
define: love

All images/copyright by Peter Sehnal

Since 3 years Vienna hosts an art event called "Wohnzimmerbiennale" or livingroom biennale- an art festival hosted in a private flat. For one day the flat is turned into a temorary offspace, a public place open for everyone to attend.

The masterminds Kasra, Jakob, Alex and Veronika describe the main idea as "nomadic"- the exhibitions move from one living room to another. The element is participatory: everyone is welcome to exhibit. The selection varies from photography, painting, performance, readings, sculpture, live-acts.......

This year I entered in an artist collective with a project called "define: love", my partner in crime was Florian, head of "J'aime Julien", Dj and sound designer par excellence.

The idea was to create an interactive sculpture that explains the omnipresent existence of love with using texile-acoustic elements.
It can be our engine but also slow us down. It's the foundation that enables various actions and empowers our energy, but in it's downside it represses every development.
Love stands for animation and stagnancy.

The figure we created carries the meaning for this facettes, embodied by a mannequin. Personal photographs were manipulated with various techniques, such as embroiding, sewing, burning and cutting and then built together to a snap-shot textile.

The dress permitts a gaze into the emotional world of it's carrier, covers her but, in the next minute, exposes her as much as anyone can be. Her head is cloaked, so she's forced to focus on an inside view- her eyes are hidden to the observer.

She carries a note book in her hand, everyone attenting her is allowed to write down their associations on the topic of love. Within the day of the exhibit a re-collection of perpectives arises.

The sound collage quotes various adaptions of love from film and pop music and layers them up with the sound of Pebelle's sewing machine. We consiously picked contrary samples, so the audience can individually rate and connect it with the impressions they get from looking at the sculpture at the same time.

define: love

Pebelle & J'aime Julien during an interview

Some more impressions on that event:

And here you find "Wohnzimmerbiennale" on facebook with more images.

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About Me

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Vienna, Austria
Call me a tie dye punk. I live my passion for manipulating textiles and my love for arts, music, pop culture, literature & fashion. It all comes together within my label.